• 木星光环之下有大量氨气

    16-06-03 Astronomers using the upgraded Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico have produced the most detailed radio map yet of the atmosphere of Jupiter, revealing the massive movement of ammonia gas that underlies the colorful bands, spots and whirl...

  • 快速无线电暴不需要爆裂式的开始

    16-03-03 After combing through Cornell-archived data, astronomers have discovered the pop-pop-pop of a mysterious, cosmic Gatling gun - 10 millisecond-long fast radio bursts - caught by the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico, as reported in Nature, March 2. In...

  • 科学家首次追踪到快速无线电波暴

    16-02-28 For the first time a team of scientists has tracked down the location of a fast radio burst (FRB), confirming that these short but spectacular flashes of radio waves originate in the distant universe. The breakthrough, published today in the journal...

  • 科学家探测到一束60亿光年外的电波

    15-12-03 Scientists have detected a burst of radio waves from six billion light years away, one of a handful they've discovered in the past decade -- and this time they have clues about its source. Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Global Scho...

  • 世界最大射电望远镜在贵州省开始组装

    15-08-13 The assembly of the world's largest radio telescope is now underway in the southern Chinese province of Guizhou. 世界上最大的射电望远镜在中国南部贵州省开始组装。 Nearly 45-hundred reflector panels are being put together to form the dish. Once comple...

  • soap opera 肥皂剧

    14-11-26 A soap opera , sometimes called soap for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on television or radio. The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufac...

  • 利用无线电波探测压力的微妙变化

    14-10-13 Stanford engineers have invented a wireless pressure sensor that has already been used to measure brain pressure in lab mice with brain injuries. The underlying technology has such broad potential that it could one day be used to create skin-like ma...

  • driveway effect 车道效应

    13-12-13 Driveway effect describes a special quality exhibited by a radio program that causes listeners to stay in their cars s in their driveways long after they have arrived home so they can hear the end of the program. Driveway effect(车道效应)指一档广...

  • 探索神秘宇宙无线电波的来源

    13-07-08 Mysterious bursts of radio waves originating from billions of light years away have left the scientists who detected them speculating about their origins. The international research team, writing in the journal Science, rule out terrestrial(陆地的...

  • Line in the Sand

    12-11-07 Line in the Sand Ken McCullough What he said was vast, given his limits. At some mojave of the soul, we stopped to gas up, and I was inclined to bolt wrong look, wrong answer, might raise his demons(恶魔) , but what did I know, who was I to say? H...