• 什么是“路怒症”?

    22-02-22 开车有时会让人紧张,尤其是遇到蛮不讲理、不守规则的司机时,可能会让人情绪失控,甚至大发雷霆。强行超车、跟车过近、言语粗鲁你遇到过鲁莽的驾驶行为吗?造成司机之间大动肝火的主要原因有哪些? We all know driving can be stressful. One minute youre minding y...

  • be beside yourself 形容(因情绪太强烈而)无法控制自己

    21-11-01 be beside yourself 谢耳朵的姐姐跑去告诉谢耳朵,妈妈因为他没有朋友很不开心。 be beside yourself形容(因情绪太强烈而)无法控制自己,后面加上不同的名词就可以形容不同的极致情绪。 He was beside himself with rage when he saw the mess. 他看到一切都乱七八糟...

  • bike rage 自行车怒

    17-12-10 Bike rage refers to acts of verbal or gestural anger or physical aggression between cyclists and other users of bike paths or roadways, including pedestrians, other cyclists, motorcyclists, or drivers. 自行车怒指的是骑自行车的人和自行车道或车行道的...

  • computer rage 电脑狂暴症

    17-09-26 Computer rage is physical or verbal abuse towards a computer or computer-related accessory due to heightened anger or frustration. 电脑狂暴症是指由于极度愤怒或沮丧,所引发的对电脑或配件的拳打脚踢或言语羞辱。 Examples of computer rage include cursing...

  • office rage 办公室易怒症

    17-09-14 The people you work with are driving you nuts and youd love nothing more than to scream at them at the top of your lungs. 同事简直要把你逼疯,而你想做的不过是冲他们发火。 Sure, youd feel so much better venting your rage, but overt anger remains a ta...

  • wardrobe rage 衣橱怒

    16-07-05 Wardrobe rage describes the irrational tantrums people feel when they are staring at the wardrobe but dont know what to wear or cannot find anything they want to wear. 衣橱怒指人们盯着自己的衣橱却不知道该穿什么,或者,找不到任何想穿的衣服时焦躁的发...

  • checkout rage 收银台怒

    16-01-08 You're in a hurry, waiting in line to checkout and something happens to slow the line down. The customer in front of you has brought 20 items to a 12 item express lane, a price check is needed and no one is around to do it, the computer system goes...

  • screen rage 屏怒

    15-11-26 Screen rage means to talk back, yell or curse at a digital screen after a very unpleasant phone conversation or upset about a match result. 屏怒指打电话跟人发生争执或者对转播的比赛结果不满时对着电子设备的屏幕回骂、大喊或咒骂的情况。 Who hasn't talke...