• 约翰内斯堡建非洲最大的火车制造厂

    18-10-26 South Africas President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday unveiled the continents largest train manufacturing plant, a joint venture between the national rail firm and French transport group Alstom. 南非总统西里尔拉马弗萨周四给非洲最大的火车制造工厂揭牌,...

  • 香港通过高铁位置协同定位法案

    18-06-15 The Legislative Council (LegCo) of Chinas Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Thursday finished the third reading of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) co-location bill. 香港特别行政区立法委员会周四完成了广州-深...

  • 中企承建的巴基斯坦城市轻轨试运行

    18-05-30 The orange line, an urban light rail line built by Chinese companies, is operational in Lahore, Pakistan, reports the Economic Daily. 《经济日报》报道,由中国公司承建的巴基斯坦拉合尔城市轻轨线路橙线试运行。 With passenger flows of 250,000 per day, t...

  • 东北地区实验智能高铁

    18-04-27 Chinas northeast region is conducting the countrys first smart high-speed rail experiments, according to China Railway Corporation. 中国铁路总公司表示,东北地区正在进行国内首条智能高铁实验。 Key smart high-speed rail technologies are being tested in...

  • 广深港高铁香港部分试运营

    18-04-01 The Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) has started trial operations on April 1, 2018, reports the Changjiang Daily. 《长江日报》报道,广州-深圳-香港高铁香港部分已于4月1日开始试运营。 Through the new rail li...

  • 美国网民对中国高铁大加赞赏

    18-03-19 Netizens from the United States have heaped praise on Chinas high-speed rail system on the popular question-and-answer website quora.com. 美国网民在在线问答网站果壳问答上对中国高铁系统大加赞赏。 Answers to questions about Chinas high-speed rail have...

  • 宝鸡-兰州高铁线路即将开工

    17-07-10 Chinas ambitious high-speed rail network has made another leap forward with the opening of the line linking Baoji city in northwest Chinas Shaanxi Province with Lanzhou, the capital of neighboring Gansu Province. 连接陕西宝鸡与甘肃兰州的高铁线路即将...

  • 中国公司建造哈萨克斯坦轻轨系统

    17-06-08 Construction has started on Kazakhstans first light rail system, which is being built by Chinese companies in the countrys capital Astana, reports CCTV.com. 中央电视台报道,哈萨克斯坦首条轻轨系统在首都阿斯塔纳开工,这项工程由中国公司承建。 Its due t...

  • 中国公司与洛杉矶郡运输局签署轨道车协议

    17-04-14 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) on Wednesday signed a 647 million-U.S.-dollar contract to purchase 282 rail cars from a Chinese company. 洛杉矶郡都会运输局周三与一家中国公司签署一份价值6.47亿美元的合同,据合同将向...

  • 2020年中国高铁将覆盖113个主要城市

    17-03-01 Chinas high-speed rail network will cover 113 major cities by 2020, according to the 13th Five-Year-Plan (2016-2020) on transport issued by the State Council. 中国国务院第13个五年计划(2016-2020)显示,2020年前中国高铁网络将覆盖113个主要城市。 By 20...