• to rattle someone's cage 故意让人恼火

    21-12-17 如果你 rattle someones cage, 这就是说故意让某人恼火,不悦。 例句 I wouldnt approach John at the moment, someones really rattled his cage this morning and hes in a horrible mood. Why are you so cross? Whos rattled your cage today? My girlfriend delib...

  • 响尾蛇为迷惑接近者切换响动频率

    21-09-25 科学家表示,响尾蛇已经进化出一种聪明的方法,让人类误以为危险比他们想象的更近。 The sibilant sound of the rattlesnakes tail has long been a cinematic cliche. 响尾蛇尾巴发出的嘶嘶声早已是大银幕上的常用套路。 That tell-tale rattle is made by the rapid...
