• 拯救濒危物种鲨鱼和鳐鱼 “时不我待”

    21-02-08 科学家们表示,鲨鱼和鳐鱼正以 惊人 的速度从世界海洋中消失。一项新研究表明,半个多世纪以来,公海海域的鲨鱼数量减少了71% ,导致这个现象的主要原因是过度捕捞。在所有被研究的物种中,有四分之三正面临灭绝的威胁。 The study found a dramatic decline in sharks...

  • 中国将建造宇宙射线观测站

    17-06-06 To better study high-energy cosmic rays, construction is underway on a large cosmic-ray observatory on Mt. Haizi near the city of Daocheng, southwest Chinas Sichuan province. 为了更好地研究高能宇宙射线,中国将在四川稻城附近的海子山上建造一座大型宇宙...

  • 宇宙射线威胁宇航员的外太空任务

    14-10-22 Crewed missions to Mars remain an essential goal for NASA, but scientists are only now beginning to understand and characterize the radiation hazards that could make such ventures risky, concludes a new paper by University of New Hampshire scientist...

  • X射线激光能改变蛋白质结构

    13-11-25 A study shows for the first time that X-ray lasers can be used to generate a complete 3-D model of a protein without any prior knowledge of its structure. An international team of researchers working at the Department of Energy's (DOE) SLAC National...

  • T射线或取代X射线来探测不透明物

    09-12-20 T-rays may make X-rays obsolete废弃,淘汰 as a means of detecting bombs on terrorists or illegal drugs on traffickers, among other uses, contends竞争,主张 a Texas AM physicist who is helping lay the theoretical groundwork to make the concept a real...
