• 什么让我们害怕?

    21-01-28 蜘蛛、飞行、看牙医 这些都是可能让我们感到惧怕的事情。因为无法控制这种恐惧感,久而久之,就产生了恐惧症。本文讨论让人产生恐惧的原因以及应如何控制自己的情绪。 What are the things that scare you: snakes, spiders or creepy crawlies? Or maybe you have a f...

  • reaction buttons 反应按钮

    16-04-27 Facebooks new reaction buttons have gone live for all 1.6 billion Facebook users worldwide. Facebook已经向全球16亿Facebook用户推出了新的反应按钮。 Facebook推出的新反应按钮(reaction buttons)包括原有的赞(Like),以及爱(Love)、哈哈(Haha)、哇(Wo...

  • 利用空气的氧化能力

    16-01-29 Researchers report the catalysis of a highly specific chemical reaction where oxygen from the air is one ingredient and the other, an organic molecule, is selectively oxidised. A simple manganese compound catalyses this reaction. This type of method...

  • Ji Shenzi Raising Fighting-Cocks 纪渻子养斗鸡

    14-04-29 Once upon a time, there was a man named Ji Shengzi who raised fighting-cocks for the king. Every ten days the king asked him whether the cock has finished training. Ji Shengzi answered correspondingly, Not yet, he is still coxcombical(虚浮的) , pr...

  • α烯烃在双催化剂作用下能形成新有机物

    13-12-30 Boston College chemists have developed a new chemical synthesis methodology(方法学) that converts chemicals known as alpha-olefins into new organic compounds. By combining a pair of catalytic reactions in sequence, the researchers converted inexpe...

  • 甲流疫苗“不良反应” adverse reaction

    09-09-27 甲流疫苗研制成功后,大家对怎样接种,以及效果如何等问题非常关注。日前,卫生部召开新闻发布会称,尚未发现疫苗接种的严重不良反应。但敏感群体,以及过敏体质的人仍不适合接种疫苗。例如,如果你对鸡蛋过敏,那就无法参加这次疫苗注射了。 请看新华社的报道: On Mo...
