• 你有没有因为书封爱上一本书?

    21-01-27 你有没有因为书封而爱上一本书?据说有本书的封面,装帧精美,标题两个大字男人。好奇的读者信手翻开,会发现里面一片空白。这当然只是个玩笑,兴许是笔记本,或者行为艺术。但它至少成功地让你把它,从书架上拿下来翻开进而可能因为设计而购买。 在琳琅满目的书店里,...

  • lightweight reader 轻量级读者

    14-01-16 Lightweight reader refers to someone who gets sleepy or passes out shortly after starting to read. 轻量级读者指的是那些一开始看书就犯困或者看没多久就睡着的人。 Contrary to heavyweight, which means very powerful, lightweight means having little abili...

  • Abraham Lincoln—a great reader

    09-09-30 He became a great reader. He read every book and newspaper he could get hold of, and if he came across anything in his reading that he wished to remember he would copy it on a shingle, because writing paper was scarce, and either learn it by heart o...

  • Wall Street Journal to charge mobile readers 《华尔街日报》

    09-09-21 A copy of the Wall Street Journal is seen at an office in New York, July 31, 2007. The Wall Street Journal soon will begin charging people to read the paper on mobile devices such as their BlackBerrys, the paper's owner Rupert Murdoch said on Tuesda...
