• 美国经济衰退难以避免

    22-05-23 近日,包括富国银行、德意志银行、美国银行等金融机构纷纷预测,美国经济衰退难以避免。美国的通胀率正处于40年来的最高点,美联储表示,将尽力降低通胀,使得经济软着陆。但也有人担心,美联储过于激进地加息可能会使经济陷入衰退。 Wells Fargos CEO said theres no...

  • 未来两年美国经济衰退的几率为35%

    22-04-24 近日,世界最大投资银行之一美国高盛集团称,美联储想在不引发经济衰退的情况下遏制通货膨胀,难度非常大。高盛经济学家预测,美国经济今后两年间衰退的几率为35%。 There is a real chance that the US economy is going to suffer a recession or hard landing in th...

  • 英国人性欲正走下坡路

    14-11-02 Britain is losing its libido. That is the striking conclusion of an Observer survey -- published in the new Sex Uncovered supplement -- which reveals that the average British adult has sex only four times a month, less than once a week. 《观察家报》...

  • 2013第四季度法国经济增长0.3%

    14-02-14 The French economy grew by 0.3% in the last three months of 2013, government figures indicate. 法国政府统计数据显示,2013年第四季度法国经济增长0.3%。 At the same time, the country's INSEE statistical office reported that growth was zero in the third...

  • 欧元区青年人失业率24.4%创新高

    13-12-15 The crisis facing the younger generation across the Eurozone worsened last month as youth unemployment hit a new record high of 24.4% with under-25s in Spain, Italy and Portugal finding it harder to get jobs. 欧元区的青年人失业率在10月达到24.4%,创...

  • 欧盟已摆脱经济危机

    13-08-15 The eurozone has emerged from recession after a record 18 months of economic contraction. 欧盟在经历了18个月的经济萎缩之后现已摆脱不景气局面。 The bloc's GDP grew by 0.3% in the second quarter of 2013, slightly ahead of forecasts, the Eurostat agenc...

  • 经济危机对有心理健康问题的病人影响极大

    13-07-27 The economic recession across Europe has had a profound impact on people with mental health problems, research from King's College London suggests. 伦敦国王学院的调查显示,席卷欧洲的经济危机对有心理疾病的人有深远影响。 Between 2006 and 2010, the rat...

  • 法国失业率攀升至10.8%

    13-06-06 French unemployment rose to 10.8% in the first quarter of the year - its highest level since 1998, official estimates have shown. 2013第一季度法国失业率攀升至10.8%,这是自1998年以来的最高记录。 The jobless rate grew from 10.5% in the last quarter of...

  • 研究:经济萧条对健康有益

    13-05-05 While an economic crisis results in untold misery for countries and their people, a new study of health in Cuba has suggested there could be a silver lining during lean times. 尽管经济危机会给许多国家及其人民造成难以名状的苦难,但是古巴的一项新健康...

  • 欧元区失业率创新高

    13-01-09 The unemployment rate across the eurozone hit a new all-time high of 11.8% in November, official figures have shown. 欧盟官方数据显示,11月整个欧元区的失业率达史上最高11.8%。 This is a slight rise on 11.7% for the 17-nation region in October. The ra...