• 77%的澳大利亚人视大堡礁为国家象征

    16-01-31 A James Cook University researcher has found more than three quarters of Australians regard the Great Barrier Reef as part of their national identity and nearly 90 per cent believe it is under threat from climate change. JCU's Jeremy Goldberg commis...

  • 实验室中培养的珊瑚在野外成功繁殖

    16-01-31 Researchers of SECORE International (USA, Germany), the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and the Carmabi Marine Research Station (Curaao) have for the first time successfully raised laboratory-bred colonies of a threatened Caribbean coral speci...

  • 大堡礁能有效防止山崩引发的海啸

    15-11-26 The world-famous Australian reef is providing an effective barrier against landslide-induced tsunamis, new research shows. What has developed into the Great Barrier Reef was not always a barrier reef - it was once a fringing reef and did not offer t...

  • “量化”珊瑚礁的美

    15-11-13 Almost every person has an appreciation for natural environments. In addition, most people find healthy or pristine locations with high biodiversity more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing than environmentally degraded locations. In a study which...

  • 牡蛎靠声音为自己选安家地

    13-11-02 Oysters(牡蛎) begin their lives as tiny drifters, but when they mature they settle on reefs. New research from North Carolina State University shows that the sounds of the reef may attract the young oysters, helping them locate their permanent hom...

  • 仔鱼依靠气味寻找“回家之路”

    13-08-29 How tiny fish larvae travel away from the reef, then know how to navigate their way back home is a scientific mystery. A new study led by Dr. Claire Paris, Professor at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine Atmospheric Science con...

  • 美军一艘扫雷舰在菲律宾海域搁浅

    13-01-18 A US Navy minesweeper is stuck on a coral reef off the Philippines after running aground early on Thursday. 美国海军一艘扫雷舰周四在菲律宾海域一处珊瑚礁搁浅。 The US Navy says it is working out how to extract the ship The USS Guardian struck the ree...

  • 过度捕捞的一个解决方法

    12-03-20 A study by the Wildlife Conservation Society, ARC Centre for Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, and other groups on more than 40 coral reefs in the Indian and Pacific Oceans indicates that co-management -- a collaborative arrangement between local c...

  • 大型鱼类的藏身之处

    12-02-14 When it comes to choosing a place to hang out(闲逛) , big reef fish like coral trout(鲑鱼) , snappers and sweetlips have strong architectural preferences. The choices big fish make on where to shelter could have a major influence on their abilit...

  • Climate targets 'will kill coral' 现行环境保护目标对珊瑚礁不

    09-09-03 Current climate targets are not enough to save the world's coral reefs - and policymakers urgently need to consider the economic benefits they bring. 现有的环境气候保护目标不足以保护世界上的珊瑚礁,政府决策人员迫切需要考虑珊瑚礁带来的经济利益。 Cora...