• 超新星残骸W44近期发生爆炸

    12-11-15 The aftershock of a stellar explosion rippling through space is captured in this new view of supernova(超新星) remnant W44, which combines far-infrared and X-ray data from ESA's Herschel and XMM-Newton space observatories. W44, located around 10,0...

  • 超新星爆炸残骸可保持原状

    09-12-18 At a very early age, children learn how to classify objects according to their shape. Now, new research suggests studying the shape of the aftermath余波,后果 of supernovas超新星 may allow astronomers天文学家 to do the same. A new study of images fr...

  • 美国中部出现Rick星云

    09-10-30 NASA's Aqua satellite captured Rick's remnant(残余) clouds and showers as they charged through Texas and fed moisture(潮湿,湿气) into a low pressure system that is migrating across the U.S. By mid-day on October 22, Rick's remnant moisture had...
