• 中国公布“太极”引力波研究计划

    16-02-17 Chinese scientists have announced a gravitational wave research plan they're dubbing Taiji. 中国科学家公布了一项名为太极的引力波研究计划。 The Chinese Academy of Sciences says their research plans will be finalized later this year. Academy member Wu...

  • 生物科学领域的诚信危机

    16-01-05 Widespread failure to reproduce research results has triggered a crisis of confidence in research findings, eroding public trust in scientific methodology. In response, PLOS Biology is launching on January 4th, 2016, a new Meta-Research Section devo...

  • 科学家首次发现大脑中智力相关的基因集群

    15-12-27 For the first time, scientists have identified two clusters of genes directly linked to human intelligence. 科学家们首次发现,大脑中存在两个与人类智力直接相关的基因集群。 Called M1 and M3, these so-called 'gene networks' appear to determine how smar...

  • 社交网络是神经学家研究取材的宝藏

    15-11-19 Because social media is used so pervasively in modern society to tap into people's behaviors and thoughts, neuroscientists are finding Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms to be very useful tools in a broad range of research areas. A review publis...

  • 2015两会代表精彩语录13

    15-03-22 Our top-level cultural relics need first-class management and preservation. Where is the root of the traditional Chinese culture if we tear down all the relics? Our descendants would blame us. 中国顶级的文物古迹急需顶级的管理、研究和保护。中华传统文...

  • 美国动物实验研究数量显著上升

    15-02-27 The use of animals in experimental research has soared at leading US laboratories in recent years, finds research published online in the Journal of Medical Ethics. This is despite growing public opposition to animal experimentation, mounting eviden...

  • 想象锻炼也能达到实地健身的效果

    14-12-28 A new research study suggests that just thinking of exercising can have the same effects as actually hitting the gym, officials say. 最新研究显示,想象自己在锻炼,也能达到实地健身的效果。 A recent study published in the Journal of Neurophysiology fo...

  • 虚拟现实:让人们体验做别人的感觉

    14-12-28 Researchers say virtual reality could be used to give people a new perspective on racism -allowing them to experience life as another person. 研究人员表示,虚拟现实技术能够让人们体验做别人的感觉,进而让人们用一种新视角看待种族主义。 British experts...

  • 科研领域出现赢家通吃的局面

    14-05-23 As new research documents growing inequalities in health and wealth, the gap between haves and have-nots is growing in the field of scientific research itself, says University of Michigan sociologist Yu Xie. It's surprising that more attention has n...

  • 美国将于2020年发射新火星探测车

    12-12-05 The US space agency (Nasa) says it will launch a new rover to Mars in 2020. 美国宇航局称,他们将在2020年向火星发射一颗新的探测车。 Curiosity landed in Gale Crater four months ago The vehicle will be based on its Curiosity robot, which landed on the...