• 重聚?别算上我!

    21-02-27 英国的《辣妹组合》重聚少了一位辣妹,经典美剧《老友记》的聚会也少了一位老友 Chandler 的脸面。 What is it about reunions that make some people reluctant to go to? Is it that theyre afraid of being judged by people who they met in their heyday? Is it a...

  • 朝韩十月将举行失散家庭团聚活动

    15-09-08 South Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) agreed Tuesday to hold the reunion of Korean families, separated by the 1950-53 Korean War, late next month in the DPRK's Mount Kumgang resort, Seoul's unification ministry said. 韩国...

  • family reunion leave 探亲假

    15-07-13 Since 1981, a regulation of the State Council has granted domestic workers paid leave to visit their families once a year if they live far from parents or spouse. However, some enterprises simply ignore the right of workers to paid leave, the family...

  • reunion of families separated 离散家属会面

    14-04-28 The first reunion of families separated by the Korean War in more than three years began on Thursday afternoon in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)'s Mount Kumgang resort. 三年多以来首次朝韩离散家属会面活动于周四下午在朝鲜金刚山酒店举...

  • malware reunion 因病毒重聚

    13-10-18 Malware reunion describes the situation when a computer virus or other malware sends junk mail to recipients on your contact list and that results in a correspondence between you and someone on your contact list with whom you have not communicated i...

  • festival reunion 节日团聚

    11-08-23 Festival reunions too costly for young people: The cost of returning home for the Spring Festival has become such a burden for young workers that many are choosing not to make the trip. 节日团聚对年轻人来说成本过高:对年轻工薪族来说,春节回家已经成...

  • Koreas to resume family reunions 朝鲜韩国继续家庭团聚会谈

    09-08-29 North and South Korea have agreed to resume family reunions that were called off by the North two years ago, the two sides have announced in a statement. 朝鲜韩国同意继续进行两年前被朝鲜取消的亲人团聚计划,双方就此已发表声明。 The reunions, begun in...

  • Koreas to discuss family reunion 朝鲜半岛商讨家庭团聚

    09-08-25 North and South Korea are to hold talks on reuniting families divided by war in the 1950s, officials in Seoul say. 首尔官员称,朝鲜韩国正在举行谈话讨论1950年朝鲜战争中被分开家庭的团聚问题。 The two officials are responsible for inter-Korean relation...
