• 富有世界的贫穷

    21-02-27 It may not come as a surprise but the world as a whole is getting richer. Some people have more disposable income to spend on luxuries such as holidays, cars, TVs and smartphones. Recent data has shown that the number of people living in extreme pov...

  • 腰缠万贯

    21-02-24 有人说豪华游艇和轿车是有钱人的玩具,这是真的吗?为什么很多富人喜欢购买这种天价的商品?在英语里,我们把富人的这类消费行为称作什么? Do you consider yourself to be rich? Do you have plenty of cash and no financial worries? Or maybe, like me, is it som...

  • Little Women - Chapter 20

    20-09-27 I dont think I have any words in which to tell the meeting of the mother and daughters. Such hours are beautiful to live, but very hard to describe, so I will leave it to the imagination of my readers, merely saying that the house was full of genuin...

  • 80多名世界富豪呼吁对富人加税以助力经济复苏

    20-09-05 More than 80 of the worlds richest people have publicly called on world governments to initiate immediate, substantial, and permanent taxes on the rich in order the help fund the economic recovery thats needed as a result of the COVID-19 fallout. 80...

  • 研究:男性更爱不懂装懂

    19-05-08 Men are more likely than women to fake expertise they dont have and rich men are the worst culprits when it comes to speaking with authority on topics they have no idea about, according to a new study. 一项新研究显示,男性比女性更爱不懂装懂而在与权...

  • 致富妙法

    15-11-10 There lived a rich man named Guo in the State of Qi and a poor man named Xiang in the State of Song. The poor man came to the State of Qi to visit the rich man, and asked him about the way to get rich. The rich man in the State of Qi told him: I was...

  • Yuccies 雅创客

    15-07-30 Yuccies , Young Urban Creatives. In a nutshell, a slice of Generation Y, borne of suburban comfort, indoctrinated with the transcendent power of education, and infected by the conviction that not only do we deserve to pursue our dreams; we should pr...

  • 讳不识字

    15-07-16 A man wrote a letter and had it sent to a rich man to borrow an ox. The rich man was just receiving guests. He was illiterate, but he resented very much being considered illiterate. Upon receiving the letter, he opened the envelope, and skimmed thro...

  • 未来富人将会成为电子人

    15-05-31 The rich are set to become God-like cyborgs in what could be the 'biggest evolution in biology' since life emerged. 富人们将变成会成为上帝般的电子人,这将可能是人类有史以来在生物方面最大的进化。 This is according to Yuval Noah Harari, a professor at...

  • 2014网络流行语翻译盘点

    15-04-09 有钱就是任性 Rich and Bitch 也是醉了 Are you kidding me? 这画面太美我不敢看 It's so beautiful that I'm too scared to open it. 只想安静地做个美男子 I just want to be a quiet and handsome man. 那么问题来了 So the question is 且行且珍惜 It is to be che...