• 京津冀区域将取消长途漫游费

    15-07-28 Mobile phone roaming charges for long distance calls are likely to be cancelled among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in a bid to promote regional integration. 为促进区域一体化,北京、天津与河北三地的手机长途漫游费可能会被取消。 The three regions are lik...

  • 2017年欧盟将取消漫游费

    15-07-03 The hated mobile phone roaming charges that blight tourists' trips around Europe are set to be abolished - but you'll have to wait until 2017 for it to happen. 糟心的漫游费曾毁掉多少人的美好欧洲行,现在它终于要被取消了不过要等到2017年哦。 The agreem...

  • 欧盟拟取消手机漫游费

    13-09-12 The European Commission is proposing to scrap mobile phone roaming charges across Europe. 欧盟委员会提议,在欧洲取消移动电话漫游费。 The Commission described the reforms as the most ambitious plan in 26 years of telecoms market reform. It said the m...
