• get to the bottom or root of a matter 刨根问底

    21-07-08 刨根问底,汉语成语,意思是盘究查问,探究底细,弄清根底原由。可以翻译为get to the bottom or root of a matter,常用表达对某事刨根问底(make detailed enquiries of something )。 例句: 他这个人就爱刨根问底。 Hes never satisfied until he gets to the bot...

  • 世界最大野生人参在东北展出

    18-01-10 On Monday, the biggest wild ginseng root in the world was displayed at a news conference held by Jilin Zixin Pharmaceutical Industrial Co and one of its stockholders Dunhua Kangping Investment Co in Changchun, capital of Jilin province. 本周一,由吉...
