• rot,decay,spoil

    20-10-31 动词 rot、decay 和 spoil 都可以用来描述物体腐烂,变质,而且三者也都可以用来表示 食物变坏了。下面我们就来具体分析这三个词语之间的区别。 首先,动词 spoil 不能表示物体 腐烂,只能指 食物变坏、变质。不论食物的外表看起来是否有异样,只要是不能食用了,就可...

  • inbox rot 对好友请求既不接受也不拒绝

    16-04-20 Inbox rot means to neither accept, nor decline a friend request from someone on social networking sites. This strategy is used in situations when you dont want to accept someones friend request, but you also dont want to be rude by declining them. I...
