• 8个美式英语和英式英语中意思不同的词 上

    22-03-02 Bird 在美国,bird就是一种有羽毛啾啾叫的动物而已。 但是在英国,bird通常描述年轻的女性,和美国口语中的chicks类似。千万别称呼你老板的女儿bird哦,一些英国人会觉得这是在贬低自己。 美国:鸟;禽 We watched a flock of birds fly over the field. 我们看着一群...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 5 Blood Type

    22-01-21 I made my way to English in a daze. I didnt even realize when I firstwalked in that class had already started. Thank you for joining us, Miss Swan, Mr. Mason said in a disparagingtone. I flushed and hurried to my seat. It wasnt till class ended that...

  • 沙滩漫步的完美选择 Nakefit隔热橡胶鞋底

    17-07-03 Beach lovers rejoice - you can now enjoy a stroll along the beach without burning your feet on the scorching hot sand. 沙滩爱好者们可以欢庆了,你们现在可以漫步在沙滩上,且不必忍受滚烫的沙子灼伤脚底的感觉。 An Italian company has created stick-on sol...

  • 科学家发明有弹性的超强碳材料

    17-06-11 Scientists have developed a form of ultrastrong, lightweight carbon that is hard as a diamond yet elastic like rubber and electrically conductive. 科学家发明了一种超强轻型碳,这种碳像钻石一样坚硬却有橡胶一样的弹性并可以导电。 In simple terms, the ma...

  • 诊所常用词

    16-02-14 thermometer 温度计 syringe 注射器 height chart身高表 blood pressure gauge 血压计 eye drops 眼药水 eardrops 耳药水 medicine 药 pills 药片 antibiotics 抗生素 painkillers 止痛片 beaker 烧杯 stethoscope 听诊器 scale 秤 swab 棉签 antiseptic cream 消毒药...

  • 多刺莴苣可能成为橡胶生产原料

    15-04-07 Prickly lettuce, a common weed that has long vexed farmers, has potential as a new cash crop providing raw material for rubber production, according to Washington State University scientists. Writing in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry...

  • rubber eggs 橡皮蛋

    12-10-25 Small quantities of the so-called rubber eggs are reported to have appeared on the market in dozens of regions across China in recent weeks. 最近几周,在中国一些地区的市场上出现了小部分被称作橡皮蛋的鸡蛋。 文中的rubber eggs就是指橡皮蛋,即鸡蛋煮熟后...
