• blind date 相亲

    21-07-16 blind date则是指从未晤面的男女间的约会,俗称相亲。 an arranged meeting between a man and woman who have not met each other before 例句: I always made a rule to never go on a blind date. 我一直坚持不去相亲。 Ted set Jane and Michael up on a blind da...

  • promotion rule 促销规则

    21-07-01 如今,各种促销规则(promotion rules)比以往时候来得更复杂些!为了省点钱不断研究规则的我们,心好累哦~~~ 罢了罢了,不敢再想,这些规则让人头疼啊!!! I have a headache because of those promotion rules. 在这里也给大家整理一下相关的英文表达,大家赶紧get...

  • 瘦人有什么独特的饮食习惯

    21-05-16 1. Eat less: the 80% rule 少吃:八分饱原则 According to the Okinawans, you should eat until youre 80% full. Okinawans call this rule Hara Hachi Bu. Heres a simple fact: it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to inform your brain that youre full. So when yo...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 9

    21-03-17 Mr. Knightley might quarrel with her, but Emma could not quarrel with herself. He was so much displeased, that it was longer than usual before he came to Hartfield again; and when they did meet, his grave looks shewed that she was not forgiven. She...

  • rule the roost 当家作主

    21-01-15 表达 rule the roost 相当于汉语里说的 当家作主,指 在一群人或一家人当中最有权威和影响力、可以作决定的那个人;这个人通常要作出所有重要的决定。 例句 His girlfriend rules the roost, so hell have to check its OK with her first. 他的女朋友平时作主,所以...

  • build the rule of law in China 法治中国建设

    21-01-12 中共中央印发的《法治中国建设规划(2020-2025年)》指出,法治是人类文明进步的重要标志,是治国理政的基本方式,是中国共产党和中国人民的不懈追求。 The plan to build the rule of law in China (2020-2025), issued by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Centr...

  • Pauline's Passion and Punishment - Chapter 2

    20-12-19 What jewels will the seora wear tonight? None, Dolores. Manuel has gone for flowers - he likes them best. You may go. But the seoras toilette is not finished; the sandals, the gloves, the garland yet remain. Leave them all; I shall not go down. I am...

  • Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law 习近平法治思想

    20-11-20 中央全面依法治国工作会议11月16日至17日在北京召开。会议强调,习近平法治思想是马克思主义法治理论中国化最新成果,是全面依法治国的根本遵循和行动指南。 Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law represents the latest achievement in adapting Marxist theories o...

  • 习近平:推进法治建设 培养法治人才

    17-05-04 President Xi Jinping on Wednesday called for more efforts in promoting rule of law and cultivating talent for the cause. 本周三,国家主席习近平呼吁大力推进法治建设培养法治人才。 Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC)...

  • rule of law 依法治国

    15-04-08 The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee - slated for Oct 20-23 - will deliberate on a draft decision of the CPC Central Committee on major issues concerning comprehensively advancing rule of law . 10月20日至23日举行的中国共产党...