• 荷兰推出首款智能自行车

    14-12-19 The Netherlands on Monday launched its first-ever intelligent bicycle, fitted with an array of electronic devices to help bring down the high accident rate among elderly cyclists in the bicycle-mad country. 荷兰在周一推出了其国内首款智能自行车。这种...

  • get back into the saddle 重回好莱坞

    12-02-15 Two months after putting his Hollywood return on hold following a damaging sex scandal, Arnold Schwarzenegger is ready to get back into the saddle . 因为性丑闻造成负面影响,施瓦辛格重返好莱坞的计划已经搁置了两个月,但阿诺德施瓦辛格目前已准备好重回好...
