• 中国为沙特发射两颗卫星

    18-12-07 China launched two satellites for Saudi Arabia on a Long March-2D rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China at 12:12 p.m. Friday. 周五下午12点12分在酒泉卫星发射中心,中国用一枚长征二号丁运载火箭将沙特阿拉伯两颗卫星送入太空。...

  • 中国商业航天公司研发AI卫星

    18-11-26 Having sent two satellites into space within 100 days after its establishment, a young Chinese commercial space firm is preparing for a new launch in December. 中国一家新商业航天公司成立100天之内即向太空发射两颗卫星,目前该公司正在进行12月新发射任务...

  • 2019中国将发射太空重力波探测卫星

    18-10-15 China plans to launch its first satellite to test the technologies of the space-based gravitational wave detection program Tianqin by the end of 2019. 中国计划于2019年底之前发射首颗用于检测太空重力波探测技术的卫星天琴。 The program Tianqin, meaning...

  • 中国民企成功发射卫星

    18-09-05 The Beijing-based private company i-Space used its own carrier rocket to place three satellites into space on Wednesday, marking Chinas first satellite launch by a privately built rocket. 本周三,北京一家民营企业i-Space用自主设计的火箭将三颗卫星送入...

  • 2018中国还要发射11颗北斗三号卫星

    18-05-24 China will launch another 11 BeiDou-3 satellites by the end of 2018. 到2018年底,中国还将发射11颗北斗三号卫星。 China has already launched eight BeiDou-3 satellites. The satellites will provide initial services for countries and regions along the Be...

  • 长征11号火箭成功发射5颗卫星

    18-04-26 Chinas Long March-11 carrier rocket, carrying five satellites, was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern province of Gansu at 12:42 pm Thursday. 周四下午12点42分,长征11号运载火箭搭载5颗卫星在甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心发射...

  • 快舟11号火箭今年将首飞

    18-03-06 A Chinese-produced solid-fueled carrier rocket, the Kuaizhou-11, developed by China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC), will see its maiden launch this year, reports Xinhua. 新华社消息,由中国航天科工集团研发的使用国产固体燃料的运载...

  • 中国将组建300+卫星网以全球通信

    18-02-24 China will establish a constellation of more than 300 low-orbit satellites to provide global communication services, the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) announced Friday. 中国航天科技集团公司周五宣布,中国将建立一个由300多...

  • 两颗北斗卫星被送入太空

    18-02-13 China successfully sent twin satellites into space on a single carrier rocket on Monday, marking the third launch of the self-developed BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System. 本周一,中国用一颗运载火箭成功将两颗北斗卫星送入太空,这是我国自主研发的北...

  • 2021年前中国将发射四颗新气象卫星

    17-11-15 China plans to put four more Fengyun-3 meteorological satellites into orbit between 2018 and 2021, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASTC) announced Wednesday. 中国航天科技集团公司周三宣布,中国计划在2018年至2021年间再发射四颗风云...