• 12个常用的政治术语 下

    22-05-26 7. filibuster (为拖延或阻止新法律的通过而)发表冗长的演说 美剧《白宫风云》中有一集讲到,白宫正准备庆祝一个法案的通过,但没想到投票开始前,一个来自明尼苏达的参议员在发言时,连续几个小时说个不停,使投票无法进行。这种利用程序阻止议案通过的行为就是fili...

  • 中国已着手调查疫苗丑闻

    16-03-29 Chinas State Council has established a joint investigation team to look into the current vaccine trading scandal. 中国国务院已经成立一个联合调查小组调查此次疫苗交易丑闻。 Officials from Chinas top drug regulator, securities regulator and health admi...

  • 国际足联主席选举日期确定

    15-07-22 FIFA is going to hold a presidential election on February 26th, giving Sepp Blatter seven more months in power before leaving the scandal-tainted governing body. 国际足联将于2016年2月26日举行主席选举,赛普布拉特还有七个月时间掌管这个丑闻缠身的管理机...

  • 东芝董事长因财务丑闻辞职

    15-07-22 Toshiba Corp.'s President Hisao Tanaka resigned on Tuesday following allegations of an accounting scandal. 东芝集团董事长田中久雄周二因财务丑闻辞职。 The multinational conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo also saw its vice chairman and advisor Norio...