• be choosy 挑三拣四

    21-08-12 挑三拣四,汉语成语,指挑挑拣拣,嫌这嫌那,与挑肥拣瘦同义。可以翻译为be choosy,be picky,与英文习语pick and choose意思相近,表示to select very fastidiously。 例句: 不要挑三拣四的,给什么就拿什么吧。 Dont pick and choose, but take whats given to you...

  • 《美食,祈祷和恋爱》四

    12-02-21 精彩对白 Tulsi: It is most commendable that you ended your marriage. You seem like such a happy, free person now. Liz: I think my ex-husband would describe me as selfish. Tulsi: You mustn't be angry with yourself or disappointed. You don't have to m...
