• adornment 门面

    22-02-14 Adornment的意思是装饰品。 Free Dictionary给出了两个解释embellishment, ornamentation,就是抽象意义上的门面或者脸面。 She had managed to instill in her household a European sense of children as graceful adornments to the parents, as opposed to our ugl...

  • 恍然大悟

    22-02-09 1. Got it! 懂了! 2. Well, I see. 噢,我知道了。 3. No wonder. 怪不得。 4. So that explains it. 倒是说的通(原来如此)。 这里的that指代某种说法,it指代你心中的疑惑。 5. Makes sense. 有道理。 全称为It/ That makes sense。你还可以加强语气,说成It makes...

  • have a sense of déjà vu 似曾相识

    21-10-21 似曾相识,汉语成语,意思是好像曾经见过。形容见过的事物再度出现。可以翻译为have a sense of dj vu,表示have a feeling that one has seen or heard something before。 例句: 一走进这个房间,我就有种似曾相识的感觉。 I entered the room and immediately felt...

  • 与笑话有关的英语表达

    21-10-02 以幽默为主题的节日并不少见。除了我们熟知的愚人节外,还有一个供大家热闹说笑的日子 每年7月1日的国际笑话日。你了解关于笑话的英语表达吗?幽默感用英语怎么说?脱口秀演员常讲的趣闻逸事叫什么?《英语小测验》为你带来与笑话有关的英语表达。 1. The person who i...

  • you're toast 你完了

    21-08-09 今日短语 非正式表达 youre toast 的意思是你完了,多用来表达警告之意。这个表达也可以用来表示某物被毁灭了 something is toast。 例句 If you make a mistake in your monthly report again, youre toast! You really have to be more careful. He crashed his car...

  • 拖船的哲理

    21-06-24 One night many years ago I was on the bridge of a ship that passed one of our large cities on a quiet night. I saw its lights reflected in the sky and heard the rumblings of the citys noises. 多年前的一个晚上,我在宁静的夜色中乘船经过某个大都市。站...

  • it's all Greek to somebody 一窍不通

    21-06-06 一窍不通,意思是指没有一窍是贯通的,比喻一点儿也不懂(be utterly ignorant of)。可以翻译为its all Greek to somebody,all Greek to me是英文惯用语,比喻something is not understandable。 例句: 你弄懂这些说明了吗?我根本一窍不通! Can you make sense of...

  • 高智商人群的八个性格特征

    21-05-10 Intelligent people are flexible and able to thrive in different settings. 聪明的人具有灵活性,能够适应不同的环境。 They understand how much they dont know. 他们知道自己所了解的还远远不够。 Intelligent people let themselves become fascinated by thing...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 18

    21-03-17 Mr. Frank Churchill did not come. When the time proposed drew near, Mrs. Westons fears were justified in the arrival of a letter of excuse. For the present, he could not be spared, to his very great mortification and regret; but still he looked forw...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 26

    21-02-24 During that brief lull Buck found time to wonder why no one had sense enough to use a gun to bring them down. But almost as swiftly the answer came to him; they dared not risk the sound of a shot bringing interference from without. He flashed a glan...