• 约会交往

    22-10-24 和心仪的人约会交往增进感情从而有情人终成眷属。英语中和约会相关的表达、俗语甚是丰富。这个测验检查你对时下流行的约会用语的掌握。 1. A: What is your favourite _________? B: Hmm, How about heaven must be missing an angel because you are down here! A: Ug...

  • suffer setbacks 碰钉子

    22-09-01 无论是工作还是生活,都不可能处处顺意,有时候难免会摔几个跟头,碰碰钉子。 碰钉子,中文俗语,比喻办事遭到拒绝或受到斥责(receive serious rebuff; be snubbed),与碰壁、碰了一鼻子灰(suffer setbacks)意思相近。 例句: 假如你不想碰钉子,就别去求他帮忙。...

  • 此话当真?

    22-08-15 1. Do you really mean it? 你真是这个意思吗? 2. Are you serious? 此话当真? 3. Did I hear it wrongly? 我刚才没听错吧? 4. What are you trying to say? 你到底想说什么? 5. How is that possible? 那怎么可能呢? 6. Are you kidding me? 你跟我开玩笑呢吧?...

  • 最忠贞的伴侣具有什么特征

    16-01-16 According to a study, couples who talk about bodily functions, have access to each other's passwords and shower together are the most committed. 一项研究表明,最忠贞的伴侣具有以下几个特征:告知对方自己的身体状况、知晓对方的密码,并且一起沐...

  • first-world problem 第一世界问题

    14-03-06 First-world problem refers to a trivial frustration or petty concern, particularly one that contrasts sharply with serious problems such as those faced by developing nations. 第一世界问题指的是微不足道的挫折或琐碎的烦心事,和发展中国家所面临的严重问...
