• 以色列总理与奥巴马就定居点争议进行会谈

    10-03-24 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has held talks with US President Barack Obama - their first meeting since a row over plans to build homes in East Jerusalem. 就东耶路撒冷房屋建设计划所产生的争议,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡与美国总统奥巴马举行首次会谈。 The t...

  • 美国否认以色列违反停建定居点声明

    10-03-09 The US has said Israel's authorisation of new building in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank does not violate a recently announced moratorium. 美国称,以色列批准在约旦河西岸犹太人定居点建设新建筑并没有违反其近期宣布的停建定居点声明。 The apartment...

  • 美国对以色列新居留地计划表示不满

    09-11-18 The United States has voiced its dismay over Israel's approval of 900 additional housing units at a Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem. 美国对以色列批准在东耶路撒冷的犹太人定居点建立900座额外的房屋表示沮丧。 The Israeli government considers Gilo an...
