• 拯救濒危物种鲨鱼和鳐鱼 “时不我待”

    21-02-08 科学家们表示,鲨鱼和鳐鱼正以 惊人 的速度从世界海洋中消失。一项新研究表明,半个多世纪以来,公海海域的鲨鱼数量减少了71% ,导致这个现象的主要原因是过度捕捞。在所有被研究的物种中,有四分之三正面临灭绝的威胁。 The study found a dramatic decline in sharks...

  • 背景音乐影响人们对鲨鱼的认知

    16-08-08 In a new study, researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego found that the background music in shark documentaries affects viewers perceptions of sharks. The researchers suggest that ominous backgroun...

  • 海洋保护区对大型鲨鱼有利

    16-03-16 Researchers at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science published new findings that suggest the expansion of protected areas into U.S. federal waters would safeguard 100 percent of core home range areas used b...

  • 雌性乌翅真鲨长期生活于近海岸

    16-02-28 In a surprise result, James Cook University scientists have found female blacktip reef sharks and their young stay close to shore over long time periods, with adult males only appearing during the breeding season. The researchers also discovered the...

  • 人类牙齿再生技术向前迈进一步

    16-02-22 Good news for soda lovers: Scientists appear to be one step closer to being able to regenerate teeth in humans. A study in Developmental Biology explains how sharks and other marine life are able to regrow teeth continuously throughout their lives....