• 鸡蛋颜色不同是母鸡基因不同导致

    18-03-26 Peruse the egg section of a grocery store or farmers market, and youll notice cartons of eggs separated into white and brown, sometimes even green or blue eggs. But once they arrive scrambled on a plate, perhaps, or baked into a cake, its tough to t...

  • 海龟壳可作为精确的“生物时钟”

    16-01-07 Radiocarbon dating of atomic bomb fallout found in sea turtle shells can be used to reliably estimate the ages, growth rates and reproductive maturity of sea turtle populations in the wild, a new study led by Duke University and NOAA researchers fin...

  • 海洋贝壳记录着古代的气候变化

    13-10-28 Climate changes from millions of years ago are recorded at daily rate in ancient sea shells, new research shows. A huge X-ray microscope has revealed growth bands in plankton(浮游生物) shells that show how shell chemistry records the sea temperatu...

  • 海洋酸化不利于甲壳类动物生长

    11-10-25 Increasing acidification(酸化) in coastal waters could compromise the ability of oysters and other marine creatures to form and keep their shells, according to a new study led by University of Georgia researchers. Their findings will be published...
