• 衣物类生活常用谚语

    22-05-11 cut from the same cloth 如出一辙 My son and I are cut from the same cloth. 我儿子跟我长得如出一辙 with a fine-toothed comb 严密的审查 We went over the flat with a fine-toothed comb. 我们去了公寓并对它进行了严密的审查。 fit like a glove 完全相合 That...

  • lose one's shirt 输得一干二净

    21-12-06 赌博可是一件非常危险的事情,一不小心就可能会倾家荡产,失去所有。表达lose ones shirt 失去衬衫很形象地形容了一个人由于赌博或在高风险投资项目中失败而输掉所有的财产,包括自己穿的衬衫,变得一无所有。 例句 I lost my shirt on a bad investment. I didnt real...

  • give the shirt off one's back 倾囊相助,尽力帮忙

    21-11-19 如果某人 不惜一切地帮助你,即使把最后一点家当都给你也在所不惜,就可以用短语 give the shirt off their back 来描述这个人的行为,意思是 倾囊相助,尽力帮忙。 例句 Jack is such a nice guy he would give his shirt off his back to help you out. 杰克真是个大...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 12

    21-02-24 Instantly a sense of elation, tingling as an electric shock, surged over Stratton, and his grip on the Colt tightened. At last he was face to face with something definite and concrete, and in a moment all the little doubts and nagging nervous qualms...

  • 巴黎世家T恤衬衫 画风让人一言难尽

    18-06-03 Made in Italy out of poplin, the shirt(s) were ostensibly designed by head designer Demna Gvasalia, who is also the mastermind of hip French brand Vetements. 这件意大利制造的府绸衬衫由著名设计师德玛纳格瓦西利亚设计,这位设计师也是法国品牌Vetements的...

  • 2016谷歌搜索次数最多10个时尚问题

    16-12-28 1. How to cut sleeves off a shirt? This year was largely focused on vandalising your clothes: razoring your jean hems, cropping your tops and, apparently, de-sleeving your shirts. To do this one, you need scissors and good arms. Were fairly confiden...

  • 微软展示一款能读懂用户情绪的“情绪衬衫”

    16-05-24 Imagine walking into a room of strangers knowing your clothes could keep you calm, or wearing a jacket that could cheer you up after a breakup. 想象一下,你走进一间屋子,里面都是陌生人,但你知道你的衣服可以让你保持冷静,或在分手后,你身上穿的夹克能...

  • 新式交友:根据身体气味寻找意中人

    16-02-22 Most believe looks and personality play major roles when searching for a potential match, but a new dating app claims the key to finding your soul-mate is by their smell. 大多数人认为,在寻找意中人时,长相和个性占据着主导地位。但是,一款新出的交友应...