• shoot

    22-01-25 shoot这个词,我们的第一反映是射击,但它在美国人的日常口语中还有更丰富的用法: ①Just shoot me a message on WeChat. 微信上发我信息吧。 *在此场景中,shoot比send更口语化。 ②-I have a question for you. -Shoot. -有个问题要问你。 -请说。 *在这个语境中,s...

  • an all-rounder 在多方面都很有才华

    21-12-17 如果某人被形容为 an all-rounder 意思就是他在多方面都很有才华。在谈论体育运动时这就是指全能选手,但这个表达并不局限于体育。 例句 On the football pitch hes a real all-rounder. He can play in attack or defence and hes also a pretty good goalkeeper. Whe...

  • shoot

    21-11-01 除了射击之意,还有以下日常用法: -Whenever you need help, just shoot me an email. 要帮忙的时候,发个邮件给我就行。(比send更口语化) - Ive collected some negative comments on you. 我这有一些关于你的负面评论。 -Shoot. 说。(类似于Go ahead,说吧,这个...

  • 惊弓之鸟

    15-09-29 There was an archer named Geng Ying in the State of Wei. He went sightseeing with the King of Wei at Jingtai. At that time a bird was circling around in the sky, uttering sad and shrill cries now and then. The King of Wei looked up at it for a while...

  • 羿射不中

    14-10-17 King Xia put a target as large as a square-foot at a distance and asked the marksman Hou Yi to shoot it. The king said to him, If you can hit it, I will reward you with ten thousand liangs of gold. If you miss it, I will take away a thousand fiefs f...

  • 射水鱼的喷水技能超乎想象

    14-09-05 Archerfish hunt by shooting jets of water at unsuspecting insects, spiders, or even small lizards on leaves or twigs above, knocking them into the water below before gobbling them up. Now, a study in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on Septemb...

  • 法国警方成功阻止一起校园枪击案

    09-11-18 Police in a town near Paris have foiled a 13-year-old boy's plan to shoot his teachers and himself after being warned by his parents, officials say. 巴黎附近一座小城的警方阻止了一名13岁男孩的疯狂计划:开枪射杀老师然后自??The Roman Catholic school...

  • Final Potter shoot is 'electric' 哈利波特拍摄现场“电子化”

    09-09-26 Stars of the Harry Potter films have spoken of the electric atmosphere on set, as filming for the final two instalments takes place. 电影哈利波特的演员谈起了拍片现场的电子氛围,该片最后两组镜头正在拍摄中。 The Potter stars were mobbed by fans on the...

  • Three shot dead by US gym gunman 美国一男子体育馆射杀三人

    09-08-05 A man has killed at least three people at a gymnasium in the US state of Pennsylvania, before shooting himself. 宾夕法尼亚一人在体育馆射杀至少三人,随后自杀。 Another 10 people were injured by gunfire in the town of Bridgeville near Pittsburgh, afte...

  • Gay Israelis rally after shooting 枪击案发生后,以色列同性恋

    09-08-03 Hundreds of Israelis have joined a rally organised by the gay community after shootings at a gay youth centre. 数百以色列人加入到同性恋协会组织的集会中,此前一个同性恋中心曾遭遇枪击。 Hundreds of Israelis have joined a rally organised by the gay com...