• in the picture 了解具体情况

    21-08-20 In the picture 字面意思是在图片里,但实际想表达的意思是了解具体情况和事态的来龙去脉。我们通常说 keep somebody in the picture 使某人了解详情。请看以下例句。 例句 Jane kept me fully in the picture so I knew what to expect when I attended the meeting....

  • behave in an affected way 花言巧语

    21-08-16 装模作样,汉语成语,意思是故作姿态,故意装作了不起的样子。可以翻译为behave in an affected way,be affected,或put on an act等。 例句: 她并不是真的受伤了,只不过装模作样而已。 Shes not really hurt; its just pretence. 她那装模作样的劲儿真令人作呕。 H...

  • sick pay 病假工资

    21-07-26 sick pay表示病假工资 ,也就是带薪生病。 英文释义: When you are ill and unable to work, sick pay is the money that you get from your employer instead of your normal wages. 例句: They are not eligible for sick pay. 他们没有资格领病假工资。...

  • sick as a dog 病得十分严重

    21-07-26 sick as a dog表示病得十分严重。这里的sick就表示生病了。 例句: Since I came here, I have been sick as a dog. 我来到这儿以后,就一直病得很厉害。...

  • You're a sick girl 你太酷了

    21-07-26 不要一看到sick这个词就以为别人在说你坏话噢。除了生病的,有病的,sick在口语中也表示特别酷的人或事物。 英文释义: cool or hawt or fabulous (hawt是having a wonderful time的缩写) 所以,在这里sick表示炫酷的、棒极了的意思。Youre sick是在夸你很酷。 例句...

  • as sick as a dog 病得很严重

    21-04-12 在英语口语中,固定搭配 as sick as a dog 通常用来形容一个人因为吃坏了肚子而在一段时间内 身体很不舒服,病得很严重。在描述吃坏肚子的上下文中,as sick as a dog 也可以指一个人 呕吐得很厉害。它可以和动词 be 或 feel 搭配使用,即 to be as sick as a dog 和 t...

  • 不去上班:你是真病了吗?

    21-03-23 Would you like your boss to find you here when you are on sick leave? If you are on sick leave for work-related stress dont pick a fight with a shark on a popular beach. A charity worker from Wales learnt this lesson a few weeks ago. He was sacked a...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 5

    21-01-21 When Ben awoke next morning, he looked about him for a moment half bewildered, because there was neither a canvas tent, a barn roof, nor the blue sky above him, but a neat white ceiling, where several flies buzzed sociably together, while from witho...

  • 表“事与愿违”的虚拟条件句

    20-12-13 英语中的第二类虚拟条件句,也被称为第三类条件句,用来谈论原本希望发生,却事与愿违,没能发生的事情,突出表达遗憾和责备的情绪。这类句式的结构句分两部分,第一部分的结构是:If + 主语 + 助动词 had + 动词的过去分词;第二部分的结构是:主语 + would + have +...

  • be sick and tired of someone/something 对人或事物十分厌倦

    20-11-18 短语 be sick and tired of someone/something 用来表达你对某人或某事物感到非常厌烦,已经失去了耐心。 这个短语也可以简化为 be sick of someone/something。在介词 of 后可以加上使你厌倦的人名,或表事物的名词或动名词。 例句 Im sick and tired of Freya always...