• 世界上最大四足机械外骨骼

    22-11-25 This is the worlds largest exoskeleton mech suit. 这是世界上最大的外骨骼 机械服。 The three-metre-tall robotic metal skeleton has four legs. 这个三米高的机械金属骨架有四条腿。 Jonathan Tippett, Exosapien Technologies 4,000 kilogram, 200 horsepower m...

  • skeleton in the closet 不可告人的秘密

    22-05-12 Skeleton in the closet Meaning: Someone with skeletons in their closet is someone who has something they dont want to tell you about. 一个在衣橱里藏着骷髅的人是有着不可告人秘密的人。 Example: Everyone has a skeleton in the closet. 每个人都有不可告人...

  • 考古学家发现人类最早的癌症病例

    14-03-19 Archaeologists have found the oldest complete example in the world of a human with metastatic cancer in a 3,000 year-old skeleton. The findings are reported in the academic journal PLOS ONE today (17 March). The skeleton of the young adult male was...

  • 克洛维人基因组绘制完毕

    14-02-13 They lived in America about 13,000 years ago where they hunted mammoth(猛犸象) , mastodons(乳齿象) and giant bison with big spears. The Clovis people were not the first humans in America, but they represent the first humans with a wide expansion...

  • 珊瑚礁骨架形成的生化过程

    13-06-07 Rutgers scientists have described for the first time the biological process of how corals create their skeletons -- destined to become limestones(石灰岩) -- which form massive and ecologically vital coral reefs in the world's oceans. In a publicat...

  • 中国发现最古老的灵长目骨骼化石

    13-06-06 An international team of paleontologists(古生物学者) that includes Northern Illinois University anthropologist Dan Gebo is announcing the discovery of a nearly complete, articulated skeleton of a new tiny, tree-dwelling primate dating back 55 mill...

  • 早期蜥脚类恐龙完整骨架被发现

    10-10-29 Scientists have discovered in China the first complete skeleton of a pivotal(关键的,中枢的) ancestor of Earth's largest land animals the sauropod(蜥脚类动物) dinosaurs. The new species, tentatively(暂时地) dubbed Yizhousaurus sunae, lived on...

  • 300多万年前的古人类化石出土

    10-06-23 Cleveland . . . Meet Lucy's great-grandfather. Scientists from The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Kent State University, Case Western Reserve University, Addis Ababa University and Berkeley Geochronology Center were part of an international te...

  • 美犹他州红石公园发现新品种恐龙

    10-03-24 Utah's red rocks world-famous attractions at numerous national parks, monuments and state parks have yielded(生产,产出) a rare skeleton of a new species of plant-eating dinosaur that lived 185 million years ago and may have been buried alive by a...

  • 美国堪萨斯州发现巨型捕食鲨化石

    10-02-25 The fossilised remains of a gigantic 10m-long predatory shark have been unearthed in Kansas, US. 美国堪萨斯州发现一具10米长的巨大食肉鲨鱼的骨骼化石。 A nurse shark may be similar in shape but not size to the prehistoric fossil Scientists dug up a gi...
