• 美国公司设想4828米超级摩天大楼

    17-01-21 Arconic, a materials science company, has envisioned a three-mile-high skyscraper built from materials that are either in-development or have already been brought to market, including smog-eating surfaces and retractable balconies. 材料科学公司Arcon...

  • 伦敦最高大厦形似男性生殖器遭热议

    16-11-15 From the ground, this planned 67-storey skyscraper looks entirely wholesome - but look down from a passing plane and its a whole different story. 从地面上看去,这座按计划修建的67层摩天大厦非常壮观,但如果从路过的飞机上向下看,就完全是另外一回事了。...
