• on a slippery slope 情况越来越糟,急剧下滑

    21-09-07 如果用 on a slippery slope 来形容某人或某事所处的状态,意思就是情况越来越糟,急剧下滑,如果不及时采取措施就会变得更糟 (有时也可以说 going downhill 滑坡) 。 例句 The countrys economy was on a slippery slope following the closure of its biggest indust...

  • 非洲西侧海底沉积物崩塌持续两日

    21-06-28 科学家们报告说,这是迄今为止观测到的持续时间最长的沉积物崩塌。崩塌发生在非洲西侧刚果河河口切入海底的一条深邃峡谷中。 Weve all seen pictures of an avalanche falling down a mountain. Now, imagine this mighty force tumbling down a slope for two whole d...

  • 坐过山车的刺激和狂叫

    21-03-10 Do you scream on a roller coaster ride? You slowly climb up a steep slope until an almost vertical drop, and then... Ahhhhhhhh! Thrill-seekers like me are in luck because theme parks are pushing the boundaries of technology to create the fastest, ta...

  • slippery slope 滑坡效应

    17-02-23 Slippery slope is a process or series of events that is hard to stop or control once it has begun and that usually leads to worse or more difficult things. 滑坡效应指的是一旦开始便难以阻止或驾驭的一系列事件或过程,通常会导致更糟糕、更困难的结果。 Te...

  • 滑雪场自然条件

    16-06-16 Ski area conditions 雪场自然条件状况 slope 坡度 temperature 温度 humidity 湿度 altitude 海拔 the slope orientation 坡面朝向 natural resources 自然资源 sunlight 日照 local climate 当地气候 transport capacity/ability 运力 Ski slangs 滑雪口头语 snow bu...
