• 污水污泥可成为持续性肥料

    16-08-17 Ever thought of putting sewage on your plants? Scientists say thermally conditioned sewage sludge serves as an excellent fertilizer to improve soil properties. This was recently published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Nutrition. The major...

  • 匈牙利修建大坝阻挡有毒淤泥蔓延

    10-10-11 Hungarian work crews are racing against time to build an emergency dam as cracks widened at a burst reservoir that spilled toxic sludge. 匈牙利工人们正在争分夺秒修建一座紧急水坝,据悉一座蓄水池出现裂缝并渗透出有毒的淤泥。 The wall of the reservoir c...
