• 形容“胖”的英语词汇

    22-03-22 形容胖的英语有很多,来看看除了fat还可以怎么说? ①stocky(尤指男子)矮壮的,敦实的 The man was described as short and stocky and very strong. 据描述,那个男人矮个儿,敦实粗壮。 ②plump 圆胖的,丰满的 a child with plump rosy cheeks 两颊胖乎乎、红通通...

  • 22-02-09 solid的本意是坚固的;坚硬的,用来形容人的话就是敦实的胖。 形容胖的英语有很多,来看看除了fat还可以怎么说? ①stocky(尤指男子)矮壮的,敦实的 The man was described as short and stocky and very strong. 据描述,那个男人矮个儿,敦实粗壮。 ②plump圆胖的...

  • 2021年禁止以任何方式进口固体废物

    20-12-01 China will ban all imports of solid waste from Jan 1, 2021, authorities have said.The dumping, stacking and disposal of waste products from overseas on Chinese territory will also be banned, according to the notice. 《公告》明确,从2021年1月1日起,...

  • 中国将严禁固体垃圾进口

    18-11-20 The Chinese government has introduced a tightened ban on solid waste imports, according to an official document. 中国政府已经对固体垃圾进口实行严格的禁令。 Effective on Dec. 31, 2018, 32 types of solid waste will be banned from imports, according to...

  • 永久冻土逐渐消融影响俄罗斯多个城市

    17-01-15 Towns and cities across the east of Vladimir Putins vast empire could collapse in the coming decades because of thawing permafrost. 随着永久冻土的逐渐消融,弗拉基米尔普京手中巨大帝国的东部城镇在未来几十年间可能会轰然倒塌。 Ground that was once solid...

  • 纳米涂层能使热传导加倍

    12-02-16 By adding an incredibly thin coating of alumina(氧化铝) to a metal surface, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have doubled the rate that heat travels from a solid surface -- such as a pot on a stove -- into the liquid in the pot....
