• 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 4

    22-09-13 I didnt have anything special to do, so I went down to the can and chewed the rag with him while he was shaving. We were the only ones in the can, because everybody was still down at the game. It was hot as hell and the windows were all steamy. Ther...

  • for a song 买了便宜货

    22-08-26 我一直想买幅油画,挂在客厅墙上,可是这里卖的画儿都特别贵。星期天,我开车路过一个小区,几家人正在一起卖旧货。我一眼就看中了一幅特别好看的油画,卖主让我开价,我说50美元,本以为根本没戏,谁知他却一口答应。在英语里,我们可以说:For a song. 大家知道,Son...

  • 打招呼交朋友如何开口 3

    22-05-26 21. Wheres your favorite place to hang out in town? 镇上你最喜欢去哪儿嗨? 这又是一个有趣而又不私人的开场问题。接着就可以讨论最喜欢的餐厅、酒吧和商店了。 22. I like your shirt! Where did you get it? 我很喜欢你的衬衫,在哪买的? 真诚的称赞能换来对方...

  • 关于音乐的一些习语 下

    22-02-08 7 - change your tune改变论调 例句: He was against the idea to start with, but he soon changed his tune when he realized how much money hed get. 一开始他反对这个主意,可是等他意识到自己能赚到那么多钱时就立刻改变了态度。 8 - and all that jazz以及诸如...

  • 关于音乐的一些习语 上

    22-02-08 1 - sing off key唱歌跑调 例句: Dont butcher that song by singing off key. 别唱走调而糟蹋了那首歌。 2 - carry a tune唱得准 例句: Neither of my brothers can carry a tune, but my sister is a good singer. 我的兄弟们唱歌都不成调,但我妹妹唱歌唱得很好。...

  • earworm 洗脑神曲

    22-01-22 有没有这样一首歌,你可能连它的名字都不清楚,但就是谜一般的开口就会哼唱,这就是传说中的洗脑神曲。 洗脑神曲,专指那些听过一遍就会不知不觉跟着哼唱,就像被洗脑了一样不断浮现在脑海里的歌曲或调子(a catchy song or tune that runs continually through a pers...

  • to make a song and dance about something 小题大做

    21-12-14 如果有人因为一些小事而做出不相称或不恰当的激烈反应,那么你就可以说they are making a song and dance about something;也就是汉语里说的小题大做。不过注意这是一个非正式表达。 例句 All right, calm down! You dont have to make such a song and dance about i...

  • 为什么有些神曲那么洗脑?

    21-10-09 加拿大最近一项研究发现,音乐的下载模式与传染病的流行曲线非常相似。 Dora Rosati, lead author of the study and former graduate in maths and statistics at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada along with colleagues, wondered whether they could learn a...

  • 几个和"便宜"有关的短语

    21-09-07 1 What a bargain! bargain有特价商品的意思,可指廉价出售的商品。 例句: What a bargain, lets buy it. 这么便宜,让我们买了吧。 2 for a song 价格不贵,特别便宜。 例句: We bought this car for a song. 我们买的这辆车非常便宜。 3 knockdown 除了有击倒的意...