• misophonia 恐音症

    16-04-20 Do nails on a chalkboard make you cringe? Imagine if a sound could make you panic or fly into a rage. 指甲划过黑板的声音是否让你难以忍受?或许有种声音会让你惊恐或者勃然大怒。 This is the case with misophonia -- a strong dislike or hatred of specific...

  • 咀嚼时的声音会显著影响食物摄入量

    16-04-04 The sounds you make while chewing have a significant effect on the amount of food you eat, a new study has found. The results suggest that people are likely to consume less if they can hear themselves eating. 最新研究表明,人们在咀嚼东西时发出的声音...

  • 专注眼前事物 可能会短暂失聪

    16-03-08 A new scientific study from the University College London has found that humans may be rendered temporarily deaf when they're simultaneously focusing on something visual. 伦敦大学学院最新的研究发现,人们在专注于眼前事物时,可能会出现短暂性的失聪症状...

  • 7英里深的海底也是一片嘈杂的世界

    16-03-03 For what may be the first time, scientists have eavesdropped on the deepest part of the world's oceans and instead of finding a sea of silence, they discovered a cacophony of sounds both natural and caused by humans. For three weeks, a titanium-enca...

  • 栗冠弯嘴鹛有组织语言的能力

    15-07-01 Stringing together meaningless sounds to create meaningful signals was previously thought to be the preserve of humans alone, but a new study has revealed that babbler birds are also able to communicate in this way. Researchers at the Universities o...

  • 科学家找到大脑中专门处理语音的区域

    15-05-21 A team of New York University neuroscientists has identified a part of the brain exclusively devoted to processing speech. Its findings point to the superior temporal sulcus (STS), located in the temporal lobe, and help settle a long-standing debate...

  • 某些高音调会使老猫惊厥

    15-04-28 When the charity International Cat Care asked veterinary neurologists at Davies Veterinary Specialists, UK, for help with several enquiries it had received regarding cats having seizures, seemingly in response to certain high-pitched sounds, the ans...

  • 生物机器人可利用麦克风探测追寻声音

    14-11-10 North Carolina State University researchers have developed technology that allows cyborg cockroaches, or biobots, to pick up sounds with small microphones and seek out the source of the sound. The technology is designed to help emergency personnel f...

  • 睡眠中可以进行分类记忆

    14-09-15 When people practice simple word classification tasks before nodding off -- knowing that a cat is an animal or that flipu isn't found in the dictionary, for example -- their brains will unconsciously continue to make those classifications even in sl...

  • 鳄鱼精确的听觉缘于耳间空腔

    14-03-28 By reptile standards, alligators are positively chatty. They are the most vocal of the non-avian reptiles and are known to be able to pinpoint the source of sounds with accuracy. But it wasn't clear exactly how they did it because they lack external...