• 艾玛·拉杜卡努被评BBC年度体育人物

    21-12-22 几个月前刷爆全网的英国华裔天才少女艾玛拉杜卡努日前被评为BBC年度体育人物,成为2006年以来首位获此殊荣的女性。 Teenage US Open champion Emma Raducanu has been voted BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2021. 19岁的美国网球公开赛冠军艾玛拉杜卡努被评为英国...

  • 北京冬奥会筹备工作进入收尾阶段

    21-12-20 距离北京冬奥会开幕只剩下不到50天的时间了,冬奥村的各项筹备工作也进入了尾声。再过一个月,三个冬奥村即将开门迎接来自世界各地的运动员和代表队官员,是不是很期待呢? With the countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics entering the final 50 days, finis...

  • winter sports 冰雪运动

    21-01-25 1月18日,习近平总书记在北京考察冬奥会、冬残奥会筹办工作。他表示,对办好北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会充满信心。 Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has expressed his confidence that China will host a su...

  • 《Seabiscuit》奔腾年代

    20-11-28 Seabiscuit is a 2003 American biographical sports drama film based on the best-selling non-fiction book Seabiscuit: An American Legend by Laura Hillenbrand. The film is loosely based on the life and racing career of Seabiscuit, an undersized and ove...

  • 中国将限制海外投资房地产以及体育俱乐部

    17-08-21 China will limit overseas investments by domestic companies in fields including real estate and sports clubs, while encouraging them to invest in infrastructure and new technology. 中国将限制国内公司投资海外房地产以及体育俱乐部,鼓励他们在基础设施以...

  • 2017金砖国家运动会在广州开幕

    17-06-18 The first-ever BRICS Games raised its curtain here at the Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center on Saturday evening. 首届金砖国家运动会周六晚在广州白云国际会议中心拉开帷幕。 Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to exp...

  • 电子竞技成2022亚运会正式比赛项目

    17-04-18 E-sports has been included as an official project in the 19th Asian Games to take place in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou in 2022. 2022年中国杭州第19届亚运会,电子竞技已被正式列入比赛项目。 E-sports or electronic sports is a form of competitio...

  • sneakerhead 运动鞋迷

    17-03-31 Sneakerhead is a person who collects, trades, or is passionate about running shoes. 运动鞋迷指的是收集、交易或者对运动鞋非常痴迷的人。 A sneakerhead may also be highly experienced in distinguishing between real and fake replica sneakers. Sneaker col...

  • 中国国家领导人接见奥运代表团

    16-08-26 Chinese President Xi Jinping and other senior leaders met the Chinese sports delegation at the Great Hall of the People on Thursday afternoon. 周四下午,中国国家主席习近平与其他高层领导在人民大会堂接见了中国奥运代表团。 Xi said the Chinese athletes...

  • 罗纳尔多成《福布斯》收入最高的运动员

    16-06-10 Cristiano Ronaldo has become the first athlete from a team sport in almost 20 years to top Forbes annual list of the Worlds Highest Paid Athletes. 《福布斯》杂志全球收入最高的运动员,克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多成为近20年来团体运动中首位收入最高的运动员。 T...