• 《鱿鱼游戏》英文字幕翻译不当遭吐槽

    21-10-18 《鱿鱼游戏》是网飞(Netflix)有史以来最受欢迎的剧集之一,但这并不意味着它没有争议。随着该剧的走红,它已经被翻译成多种语言。然而一些精通英语和韩语的观众却对该剧的英文翻译感到失望,认为翻译没有准确表达演员的真实意思。 Netflixs smash-hit series, Squid...

  • 我们对于深海动物知之甚少

    15-04-22 Among soft-bodied cephalopods, vampire squid live life at a slower pace. At ocean depths from 500 to 3,000 meters, they don't swim so much as float, and they get by with little oxygen while consuming a low-calorie diet of zooplankton and detritus. N...

  • 海洋酸化影响鱿鱼生存

    13-06-03 Acidifying oceans could dramatically impact the world's squid species, according to a new study led by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) researchers and soon to be published in the journal PLOS ONE. Because squid are both ecologically and...

  • 深海乌贼遭攻击时舍弃触手保命

    12-08-03 A postdoctoral researcher at the University of Rhode Island has observed a never-before-seen defensive strategy used by a small species of deep-sea squid in which the animal counter-attacks a predator and then leaves the tips of its arms attached to...

  • 鱿鱼卵所含化学物可激发雄鱿鱼交配本能

    11-02-11 When male squid come into contact with a chemical found on the outside of eggs laid by females, they instantly go from swimming along calmly and minding their own business to a state of extreme aggression, according to a new report published online...

  • San Diego menaced by jumbo squid 圣地亚哥海域附近出现大鱿鱼

    09-07-18 Scuba divers off the Californian city of San Diego are being menaced by large numbers of jumbo squid. 在加州城市圣地亚哥附近的潜水有可能会被一大群大鱿鱼包围。 Squid have come to the California coast before, like this one in 2005 The beaked(有喙的,...
