• Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 33

    21-02-24 The same dawn unrolled before the eyes of a man and a girl, riding southward along the ragged margin of the T-T ranch. Westward stretched the wide, rolling range-land, empty at the moment of any signs of life. And somehow, for the very reason that o...

  • 戴比尔斯将制造出售人造钻石

    18-07-02 The worlds largest diamond miner is doing the unthinkable: Selling stones produced in a laboratory. 世界最大钻石开采商正在做一件难以想象的事情:出售实验室环境中制造出来的钻石。 De Beers launched a new jewelry brand last Tuesday that features synthet...

  • 玩过山车能无痛排出小粒肾结石

    16-10-11 Just ask any one of the 300,000 Americans who develop kidney stones: What if the excruciating pain of passing one of those little devils could be prevented by strapping yourself into a make-believe runaway mine train, throwing your hands in the air...

  • Robison Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记 Chapter 12-A CAVE RETREA

    16-01-06 WHILE this was doing, I was not altogether careless of my other affairs; for I had a great concern upon me for my little herd of goats: they were not only a ready supply to me on every occasion, and began to be sufficient for me, without the expense...

  • 《超凡蜘蛛侠2》精彩语句

    15-05-27 We're gonna spend every day from now on looking over our shoulders. 从现在开始的每一天我们都要提着脑袋过日子了。 Because even if we fall short, what better way is there to live? 因为即使我们没达成目标,那又怎么样?还有比这更好的生活方式吗? It makes m...

  • 宝石

    14-11-05 The mountains in the south of Yunnan teemed with precious stones. Since the mountains were high and steep. People could not climb up directly. In order to get the precious stones, the native people kept shooting at the monkeys, which were at the top...

  • 巴拿马出土几颗“萨满魔石”

    13-01-17 Archaeologists working at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama have discovered a cluster of 12 unusual stones in the back of a small, prehistoric rock-shelter near the town of Boquete. The cache represents the earliest material evid...
