• 加州大学在校园里开设学生课间休息区

    16-02-28 Students will now be able to snooze between classes, as the ASUC has just opened several designated napping areas across campus. 加州大学柏克莱分校学生会,近日在校园里开设了几个特定的休息区,供学生们在课间小睡。 The office held a launch event for th...

  • 四种不同恋爱模式的命运

    15-11-15 A new study found four distinct patterns of commitment, which researchers say can reveal the fate of different relationships. 一项新的研究发现四种不同恋爱模式可以揭示不同恋爱的命运。 While past relationship studies have focused on single facets at o...

  • 想提高成绩 废寝忘食并不有效

    15-06-12 Sacrificing sleep and skipping meals to study in quest for academic excellence actually doesn't work, a new Harvard study into 'grit' has revealed. 哈佛大学一项关于决心的研究表明,废寝忘食并不能奏效。 Children who strive for excellence tend to be se...

  • 十个与学习有关的汉语成语

    14-12-16 十年寒窗 A student's long years of academic study 开卷有益 Reading is always profitable 学无止境 Knowledge has no limit 业精于勤 Excellence in work is possible only with diligence 学以致用 One should make use of what one has leaned 学而不厌 Have s t...

  • 威廉王子将学习农业管理课程

    14-01-05 Great responsibilities will rest on his shoulders one day. But in the meantime, Prince William is going back to being a student. The future king starts a ten-week course in agricultural management at Cambridge University next week. 英国剑桥公爵威廉...

  • 雌性鲨鱼会回到出生地产卵

    13-12-06 Research conducted in Bimini in The Bahamas spanning(横跨) almost two decades shows that female lemon sharks that were born there returned 15 years later to give birth to their own young, confirming this behavior for the first time in sharks. The...

  • 映雪囊萤

    13-09-17 In the Jin Dynasty, there was a man named Che Yin who was fond of learning but because of his family's destitute(赤贫的,缺乏的) conditions, his father could not afford to offer ideal conditions for studying. In order for them to have enough to su...

  • 歧路亡羊

    12-11-01 One neighbor of Yang Zi-a famous scholar lost a sheep. He asked all his relatives and friends and Yang Zi's servant for help. Yang Zi asked, Why do you send so many people out just for one lost sheep? His neighbor said, Because there are a lot of br...

  • 男性更不可能把女性当普通朋友

    12-10-27 Can heterosexual men and women ever be just friends? Daily experience suggests that non-romantic friendships between males and females are not only possible, but common. However, a new study suggests that men, relative to women, have a particularly...

  • 学习时监测脑部活动能预测记忆情况

    12-09-20 Research at Sandia National Laboratories has shown that it's possible to predict how well people will remember information by monitoring their brain activity while they study. A team under Laura Matzen of Sandia's cognitive systems group was the fir...