• rank among the best 名列前茅

    21-06-10 名列前茅,汉语成语,本意是指古代楚国军队行军时,如遇敌情,则举茅草发出警报,后来以名列前茅指名次排在前面,形容成绩优异。可以翻译为rank among the best,figure foremost in the name list或leave all the others behind等。 例句: 考试名列前茅 Rank high in...

  • 中国大学的11个学科排名领先全球

    19-06-28 Universities in China have taken the top spot in 11 subjects in recent global university rankings. 最近公布的全球大学排名,中国大学的11个学科位于榜首。 The 2019 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, released by the Shanghai Ranking Consultancy on Wed...

  • 专业与个性之间有一定的联系

    16-02-12 According to new research, which has found a link between our university subjects and our personalities, you have selfish, uncooperative tendencies and are not very in touch with your feelings. 最新研究显示,专业与我们的个性之间具有一定的联系。学习...

  • Nineteen Eighty-Four 一九八四 Part 2, Chapter 5

    15-08-04 Syme had vanished. A morning came, and he was missing from work: a few thoughtless people commented on his absence. On the next day nobody mentioned him. On the third day Winston went into the vestibule of the Records Department to look at the notic...

  • 芬兰教育局决定废弃分科教学

    15-04-04 Students in Finland won't have to study subjects. Soon, their classrooms would resemble conferences where topics are discussed. 芬兰学生将不再按学科学习。很快,学生们的课堂就会变得像开会一样进行话题讨论。 The education system is Finland is about to...

  • 英大学学费上涨导致课程削减

    12-12-08 Nearly one in five degree courses has been scrapped since the tripling of tuition fees to 9,000-a-year, it has been revealed. 据透露,自从英国大学学费上涨到原来的三倍,达到一年9000英镑,已有近五分之一的学位课程被削减掉。 Universities are concentrati...
