• 法国1968失踪潜艇被发现

    19-07-24 French Minister of Armed Forces Florence Parly on Monday announced that a wreckage of a French submarine reported missing more than five decades ago was discovered off the southern French port of Toulon. 法国武装力量部长弗洛伦斯帕尔丽周一宣布,一艘5...

  • 美国核动力潜艇周二抵达韩国

    17-04-26 A U.S. nuclear-powered submarine on Tuesday arrived at the southern port of Busan, South Korea, amid tensions on the Korean Peninsula, YTN television reported. 联合电视新闻台报道,美国一艘核动力潜艇周二抵达韩国釜山港。 The USS Michigan guided-missil...

  • 朝鲜潜艇试射弹道导弹

    16-08-24 South Korea on Wednesday slammed the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) for its test-firing of a ballistic missile from a submarine off its east coast into the sea. 本周三,朝鲜在东海岸一艘的潜艇上试射一枚弹道导弹,韩国对此猛烈抨击。 Seouls...

  • 潜水机器人将用于搜寻马航客机

    14-04-14 Teams searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane are to deploy a robotic submarine for the first time. 马航失联客机的搜救队将首次使用机器人潜艇进行搜寻。 The Bluefin-21 will search the sea floor for wreckage from flight MH370 Search chief Ang...

  • 印度全力搜查沉没潜艇下落

    13-08-15 Indian divers are struggling to search a submarine which sank after it exploded in a Mumbai dockyard with 18 sailors feared dead inside. 印度潜水员正在全力搜查一艘潜艇下落,该潜艇停靠于孟买一处船坞,随后发生爆炸饼沉没,艇内18名水手性命堪忧。 Rescuer...

  • 印度一艘潜艇发生爆炸并着火

    13-08-14 A number of crew have been killed in a huge explosion and fire on an Indian submarine berthed at a Mumbai dockyard, India's defence minister says. 印度国防部长称,一艘停靠在孟买某造船厂的潜艇发生剧烈爆炸以及火灾,若干船员丧生。 Smoke from the blaze...

  • 美油漆工纵火核潜艇 只为提早下班

    12-07-31 Navy investigators have determined that a civilian laborer set a fire that caused $400 million in damage to a nuclear-powered submarine because he had anxiety and wanted to get out of work early. 美国海军调查人员称,一名油漆工因患焦虑症,想提早下班...

  • Submarine parents 潜水艇父母

    12-07-09 Submarines usually remain underwater, out f sight. In case f a need fr emergency surfacing, submarines саn rise quickly that thеу аrе propelled partially out f thе water. Submarine parents аl remain out f sight, уеt аblе t pop up n thе...

  • 纳米管技术可增强潜艇声纳及潜行系统

    10-07-15 Speakers made from carbon nanotube sheets that are a fraction of(一部分) the width of a human hair can both generate sound and cancel out(取消,抵消) noise -- properties ideal for submarine sonar to probe the ocean depths and make subs invisible...
