• 广州、佛山同城化工作一直走在全国前列

    22-10-21 广州、佛山地处珠江三角洲核心区域,地域相连、人缘相亲,经济社会发展联系紧密,合作源远流长。近年来,经济社会各领域合作不断深入,同城化工作一直走在全国前列。 It takes residents of Foshan less than an hour to reach their workplaces in the southern Chine...

  • 去上班

    22-06-09 1. 你提早下班到家,发现室友在客厅。他平常都回的比你晚。于是你问他今天是不是一直呆在家: Did you go in to work today? 你今天上班了吗? 2. 用短语go in表达某人去上班之意: What time are you going in today? 你今天几点上班? 3. 但只有当你不在办公室的时候...

  • 同样是地铁为什么翻译不一样

    21-08-17 地铁作为我们日常出行的工具,相信大家无论是上班通勤还是外出游玩甚至上学多多少少都一定会乘坐过地铁的吧! 那你们有没有观察到国外和国内地铁的翻译也是不一样的哟~ 比如北京地铁叫Beijing Subway,而南方的上海、广州地铁叫Shanghai/Guangzhou Metro,英国伦敦地铁...

  • 北京地铁引入新付款方式

    19-08-13 A new cashless payment option has been introduced for purchasing tickets at some stations along Beijings rail transport network. 北京地铁某些站点新引入一种无现金购票方式。 Passengers can now buy tickets, recharge their metro cards and pay excess far...

  • 北京地铁内吃喝将影响个人信用记录

    19-05-16 Passengers found eating or drinking on the Beijing subway who do not stop when asked will face having their actions noted on their social credit score starting Wednesday, according to Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport. 北京市交通运输委员会周...