• surrogate country 替代国

    17-04-23 China has launched dispute settlement procedures at the World Trade Organization (WTO) by requesting consultations with the United States and the European Union (EU) regarding the surrogate country approach when calculating anti-dumping measures aga...

  • 越来越多的女星为保持身形代孕宝宝

    15-11-15 Now a fertility doctor has shed a controversial new light on the subject by suggesting they may not have been pregnant in the first place. 近期一位不孕不育科医生爆料称有些女星可能根本就没有怀孕。 Los Angeles-based Dr Vicken Sahakian, who works at th...

  • surrogate mother 代孕母亲

    12-10-03 The Guangdong provincial department of health has set up a task force to investigate a wealthy couple who used in vitro fertilization to have octuplets with the help of surrogate mothers . 广东省卫生厅成立专项小组调查这对用人工受精通过代孕行为生下八...
