• 连接词的用法1

    20-12-06 1. South Africa has vast amounts of natural countryside. _______, it is the home of a large number of wild animals. a) Consequently b) However c) Subsequently d) Besides 2. The police arrested the suspects. _______, the judge found them guilty. a) S...

  • 斯里兰卡复活节爆炸案已逮捕89人

    19-05-22 At least 89 suspects have been arrested over their alleged links to the Easter Sunday terror explosions, the police said on Tuesday. 斯里兰卡警方周二表示,复活节恐怖袭击案至少有89名疑犯被逮捕。 The suspects are currently under the custody of the Cri...

  • 中国启动天网2019国际追逃追赃行动

    19-01-29 China has launched this years campaign to capture corrupt officials who have fled abroad. 中国已启动2019年抓逃海外贪污官员的行动。 The campaign, codenamed Sky Net 2019, will capture more fugitive suspects and prevent more corrupt officials from flee...

  • 盗墓疑犯潜逃23年后终落网

    17-05-15 A suspected tomb raider has been caught after 23 years on the run, police in central Chinas Hubei Province said Sunday. 湖北警方周日表示,一名盗墓嫌疑犯潜逃23年后终落网。 Li Yihai was apprehended Wednesday in south Chinas Hainan Province, police con...

  • 中国警方破跨国贩毒案 收缴400公斤可卡因

    16-04-19 Police in Shenzhen have cracked a cross-border drug trafficking case, confiscating 400 kilograms of cocaine and detaining seven suspects. 深圳警方破获一起跨国毒品走私案,收缴400公斤可卡因并逮捕7名犯罪嫌疑人。 Police received a tip-off a month ago an...

  • 最高人民检察院2016工作报告要点

    16-03-25 2013年核查出的羁押3年以上未结案的4459人下降到6人。 The number of suspects, placed in custody for more than three years without being charged, reduced from 4,459 in 2013 to six by 2015. 自2014年10月开展专项行动以来,已从34个国家和地区遣返、劝返外逃职...

  • 沙特逮捕93名伊斯兰国疑犯

    15-04-29 Saudi Arabian authorities say they've arrested close to a hundred people with alleged ties to the Islamic State. 沙特当局称,他们逮捕了将近100位涉嫌与伊斯兰国有联系的人。 Saudi Interior Ministry spokesperson, Major General Mansour Al-Turki, says mos...

  • 恐钟有声

    14-10-17 When Chen Xiang served as the head of the Pucheng county, Fujian province in Song Dynasty, he once arrested a group of suspects, but could not tell which one was the thief. He called together all the suspects and told them, A bell in a temple can te...

  • 保障人权入法刑事诉讼法修正案草案

    12-03-10 刑事诉讼法修正案草案于3月8日提请十一届全国人大五次会议审议,保障人权入法是该草案的最大亮点。 Controversial clauses(条款) that permit detention, arrest or surveillance of suspects at specific places, without informing their families, have been part...
