• Definition Of A Phallic Symbol

    22-03-09 This girl walks in to a doctors office and she asks, Whats a phallic symbol? The doctor says, Youre kidding. The girl says No! I dont know! Whats a phallic symbol? The doctor pulls his pants and underwear down and says, You see? This is afailic symb...

  • 电脑图标

    21-03-23 Luis Prado has created what he hopes will become the international symbol for global warming. Hes one of many designers contributing icons to an online bank of icons called the Noun Project.The creators of the Noun Project think it could one day con...

  • 形容词变名词的方法

    20-12-07 1. People from Brazil enjoy watching football. a) The Braziliers b) The Brazilish c) The Brazilians d) Brazil people 2. The government has created a scheme to get people without jobs back to work. a) people unemployed b) the unemployed c) the no job...

  • gesture,signal,sign and symbol

    20-10-31 虽然 gesture、signal、sign 和 symbol 都可以作名词使用,也都可以用来表达一种承载、传达信息的方式,但这四个词的含义和用法是非常不同的。 名词 gesture、signal、sign 和 symbol 都既可以用来表达具体的事物,也都有相应的衍生抽象含义,我们在接下来的节目中,先...

  • 112号新化学元素被命名为Cp

    10-02-25 IUPAC(国际理论和应用化学联合会) accepted the name proposed by the international discovering team around Sigurd Hofmann at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum. The team had suggested Cp as the chemical symbol for the new element. However, since the chemical s...
