• 英国设立“一站式”体检中心 加快癌症诊断速度

    21-04-07 英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)在英格兰各地引进多个旨在加快癌症诊断速度的一站式体检服务中心。这一举措的目的是更早查出疾病并防止患者因症状不同而被转去接受不同类型的化验检查,耽误病情。英国国家医疗服务体系表示,这个一步变化将会改变疑似癌症患者的诊断及治疗...

  • 越南出现埃博拉病毒疑似病例

    16-02-14 A 27-year-old man was quarantined at a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City after coming back from Africa with Ebola symptoms, local media reported on Sunday. 胡志明市当地媒体周日报道,一位从非洲回国的27岁男子因出现埃博拉病毒症状而被隔离。 The man from cent...

  • cyberchondria 上网自诊狂

    15-09-17 The term cyberchondria is a portmanteau neologism derived from the terms cyber- and hypochondria. A cyberchondriac is one who imagines that he is ill, having just read about the symptoms on the Internet. Cyberchondria是网络和臆想病混合而成的新词。上...

  • 花椰菜中提取的化合物可用于治疗自闭症

    14-10-15 Results of a small clinical trial suggest that a chemical derived from broccoli sprouts -- and best known for claims that it can help prevent certain cancers -- may ease classic behavioral symptoms in those with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The...

  • 英国女孩患罕见病 常昏睡不醒

    11-08-21 因患有罕见的克莱恩-李文综合症,21岁的英国女孩莉莉常常会昏睡不醒,最严重时曾经连睡两个月,成为现实版的睡美人。这一罕见病种目前没有任何治疗方法,只是有迹象显示部分患者可能会随着年龄增长而自愈。 Lily Clarke, 21, has a rare condition called Kleine-Levin...

  • 轮班工作者易患肠道疾病

    10-03-19 Nurses participating in shift work, especially those working rotating shifts(轮流换班) , face a significantly increased risk of developing Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS肠易激综合症 ) and abdominal pain(腹痛) compared to those working a standard...
