• batch tasking 分批处理

    17-05-12 Batch tasking is the simple process of combining similar tasks into batches and then performing all the tasks in a batch in one sitting. 分批处理指的是将类似的工作任务分批结合,之后统一处理同一类型任务的简便方式。 Batch tasking involves dividing you...

  • uberization 优步化

    16-08-10 Uberization refers to the conversion of existing jobs and services into discrete tasks that can be requested on-demand; the emulation of the Uber taxi service, or the adoption of its business model. 优步化指的是现有工作和服务转化为分散的任务,可以随...

  • productive procrastination 有效拖延

    16-08-10 Productive procrastination means avoiding what really needs doing by doing tasks that you would otherwise put off such as the laundry, washing your car, the dishes, organizing files on the computer, etc. When all is said and done, your room is clean...

  • 科学家设法使机器像人类一样学习

    15-12-11 A team of scientists has developed an algorithm that captures our learning abilities, enabling computers to recognize and draw simple visual concepts that are mostly indistinguishable from those created by humans. The work, which appears in the late...

  • 机器人通过试验和错误能学习新技能

    15-05-25 Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed algorithms that enable robots to learn motor tasks through trial and error using a process that more closely approximates the way humans learn, marking a major milestone in the fi...
