• name-adding taxes 加名税

    12-05-22 Following the joint regulation by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, the name-adding taxes imposed by local tax authorities should be refunded. 在财政部、国家税务总局联合发布通知后,地方税务机关必须退还已征收的加名税。...

  • 巴菲特呼吁政府向富豪增税

    11-08-21 Billionaire Warren Buffett urged U.S. lawmakers to raise taxes on the country's super-rich to help cut the budget deficit, saying such a move will not hurt investments. 亿万富翁沃伦巴菲特近日呼吁美国立法者向美国富豪增税,以帮助削减预算赤字,并表示此...

  • 雅加达将通过征税缓解交通拥堵

    10-12-29 Drivers in the Indonesian capital Jakarta will face higher taxes in the new year if they own more than one vehicle. 印尼首都雅加达的司机新年将面临高额税款,如果他们拥有的车超过一辆的话。 The number of vehicles in Jakarta has tripled in the last deca...

  • 奥巴马演讲 做正确的事来应对失业并减税1

    10-12-13 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Sorry to keep you waiting. For the past few weeks theres been a lot of talk around Washington about taxes and theres been a lot of political positioning between the two parties. But around kitchen tables, Americans a...
